God loves you so much.

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Hello Lore,

When I was much younger, I was told "The Gospel is about one beggar showing another beggar

where to find Bread!" I still believe this to be true.

Sam Walter Foss wrote a powerful poem entitled The Volunteer Organist.

Every Christian needs to also read this very old poem.

Life is painful and often cruel. And, we are all in agonizing need of Jesus Christ as our Savior!

For many years, I left formally gathering with by fellow Christians to worship holy God.

Why? For many of the same reasons you have written.

I have since returned. For many years, I sat in the last seat in the last row next to the door.

I slipped into the doorway during the closing prayer. Upon the final Amen, I was gone before anyone

could corner or question me. My wounds were painfully deep.

Yet The God of All Comfort has been so merciful unto me.

Do all my brothers and sisters-in-Christ understand and welcome me? No.

Nonetheless, I have an anointed and appointed place in our Lord's vineyard where I may serve Him.

Others do as well. I believe the words of the much respected Scottish minister, James S. Stewart,

to be true when he said "In love's service, only the wounded soldier can serve."


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This book sounds timely and good- can’t wait for the book club!

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I love "Glittering Images" and so few have ever heard of it! I can't join the book group but I'm going to dig it out and do a reread. This was a thought-provoking article. I love the word "renovation." I have come to the conclusion that if we are really walking with Jesus, we are constantly deconstructing and reconstructing our faith. It's a life-long journey.

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It's a perfect book for a reread! i hope it encourages you this time around =)

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I loved this book. It would be great to revisit it with you and others. I’m going to see if I can find my old copy before I sign up.

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I hope you were able to find it and join us!

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"You might think it’s because I’m looking for a perfect church, but actually, I’m looking for its opposite."

This is brilliant. You've put into words a feeling I've not been able to articulate. Thanks, friend.

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Keep on truck’n.

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Oh, Lore, thank you. I have a hunch that you've given words to what so many of us feel deep in our bones right now. This has a cost, so I mean it when I say "thank you."

Glittering Images should be recommended reading. I'm glad you are doing a book club on it! I still remember my skepticism giving way to an internal kind of undoing as I read it years ago. This line struck to the heart when I read it then and again now: “God hasn’t sent this ordeal to destroy you, Charles. He’s come to your rescue at last, and here in this village, here in this house, here in this room where you’ve hit rock-bottom, here’s where your new life finally begins.”

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Grateful for you, Bliss. Grateful for how we all grow and change. And YES, my skepticism was on high alert while reading and then, whoa, at that halfway point I was a puddle. That line is underlined in my copy too. Makes me want to tear up thinking of it again.

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Ha! You were in a mood writing this, I can tell. I've been there. I've said those exact words to my wife. I've been away from organised Christianity for over 9 years and while it's not true that I haven't looked back, when I look back I see Egypt in my rear-view mirror. It's been my writing focus for longer than I've been away to assay my deconstruction and the deconstruction of others who have shared their stories. I emptied myself of everything I knew to examine every part and put them back together. "No one can lay another foundation" but they can remove everything else; walls, passage ways, closets, everything.

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Yes! It's so good for us!

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With you in absolutely all of this, Lore. It’s spiritually exhausting. And thank you for the reminder about “Glittering Images”. I tried reading it a couple years ago and TBH, some of it hit *so* hard I had to put it down for a while. But now is exactly the time to pick it back up. Hoping to be able to join the group.

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I hope you'll be able to join. I echo your words that it hits hard, but it's worth it, I think =)

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I feel this to my very core. I live a stones throw away from one of the latest Baptist preacher nightmares and it makes me sick to think I could have been embedded in a church with such an unsafe person leading with four small vulnerable daughters. My family was always ministry first, family last as a child which exposed my younger sister and I to a very unsafe teenage predator who never outgrew it. Where I live, church feels like one of the most unsafe places for my young family as a building/institution… our local church has been community with other believers outside of a church for the past 12 years and I don’t know how that would change for me. Thank you for sharing your heart & words.

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I'm so sorry. Truly.

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Thank you. I so appreciate your words.

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The Spiritual Directors in my program have referenced Glittering Images SEVERAL times. Thanks for providing an opportunity to dive in!

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Love that! It's so good!

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Lore, you are so wise and so well spoken. Living in the in-between is so tough and absolutely where Christ-followers should live, but you manage to articulate it so well. You have every reason to be skeptical of the big-c “Church” - as do most people. I pray that in the new city you find yourself, you also find a community of earnest and authentic Christ-followers that will gently restore your confidence in this messy, sinful group of people that Christ has somehow condescended enough to entrust with his mission. Much love <3

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Thank you, old friend! Gently restore is what I'm looking for =)

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I had a hard time deciding what to even quote from this post, Lore. There are so many important sentences. But I especially loved this: "Jesus doesn’t change, but the way I see him does, and the way I know him does. In the before-times they might have just called this spiritual growth, but these days we seem to be afraid of anything that moves, calling it a monster instead." This resonated with something deep inside me. And I just ordered Glittering Images!

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Oh I hope you like it!

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Can't wait!

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Churches are so messy and yet The Church has restored my hope over and over when Christians have disappointed and hurt me. So, I keep showing up, hoping my own small faithfulnesses can be part of Her renovation. Thank you for sharing your love for Christ’s Body in this honest way. It’s a refreshing alternative to the deconstructors who seem to disdain those who are still fighting to stay.

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So glad you're here =)

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