I wanted to be contentious and argue against chicken and wild rice soup as being the best soup for November, but I couldn't think of another month where it would be the best soup, and I couldn't think of another soup that would be better in November. I leaned for a moment toward January as chicken and wild rice soup month, because it is also one month removed from December (during which 15-bean soup, with a side of cornbread, is the best), but I think I would rather have chicken noodle soup in January, homemade, of course, than the wild rice version. For both chickeny soups, I highly recommend adding two or three dried bay leaves to the broth as soon as it comes to a boil. Also, I concur that lemon zest in soup, at the very end, is brilliant, but so is fresh parsley.
I’m so sorry about Harper, inspired to make the soup, don’t even want to think about the election season, so appreciate your thoughts on the LGBTQ topic, and hope you have a restful weekend!
Thank you so much for your words about the upcoming election year, Lore. I can't wait to read The Understory and have preordered it already. My emotional experience around 2016 and 2020 was similar and you've articulated it so well here. 2020, for me, was coupled with a painful and alienating separation from my church group (unrelated to politics at least on the surface). I realized this summer that I am deeply afraid of 2024, deeply afraid that it will be a re-hashing of 2020 and that this time the damage to my relationships and my faith will be unrecoverable. I have nightmares where I try to explain my changed beliefs to my loved ones, try to explain why it hurts so much that they have not changed theirs. I don't know how to prepare my heart, but your gentle and measured words are a balm and I am so very grateful.
I wanted to be contentious and argue against chicken and wild rice soup as being the best soup for November, but I couldn't think of another month where it would be the best soup, and I couldn't think of another soup that would be better in November. I leaned for a moment toward January as chicken and wild rice soup month, because it is also one month removed from December (during which 15-bean soup, with a side of cornbread, is the best), but I think I would rather have chicken noodle soup in January, homemade, of course, than the wild rice version. For both chickeny soups, I highly recommend adding two or three dried bay leaves to the broth as soon as it comes to a boil. Also, I concur that lemon zest in soup, at the very end, is brilliant, but so is fresh parsley.
I’m so sorry about Harper, inspired to make the soup, don’t even want to think about the election season, so appreciate your thoughts on the LGBTQ topic, and hope you have a restful weekend!
Love to you!
Ohh Harper! Poor girl. I hope that someday her paws get closer to being healed. ❤️
Thank you!
Thank you so much for your words about the upcoming election year, Lore. I can't wait to read The Understory and have preordered it already. My emotional experience around 2016 and 2020 was similar and you've articulated it so well here. 2020, for me, was coupled with a painful and alienating separation from my church group (unrelated to politics at least on the surface). I realized this summer that I am deeply afraid of 2024, deeply afraid that it will be a re-hashing of 2020 and that this time the damage to my relationships and my faith will be unrecoverable. I have nightmares where I try to explain my changed beliefs to my loved ones, try to explain why it hurts so much that they have not changed theirs. I don't know how to prepare my heart, but your gentle and measured words are a balm and I am so very grateful.
I get it, Kyra. I was feeling a little overwhelmed by 2024 this morning. Trying to just stay the line, keep my eyes on Jesus.