I’m wondering if it could be a “both and” between your perspective and that of David French? Similar to the previous commenter, I know that there are those who fall into the real trauma category, but most of my anti-vaccine friends are of that mindset because they have been discipled by far-right media, Instagram influencers, and “non-toxic/natural living” culture over the last few years. Many cite negative experiences with the medical community, but they didn’t feel those experiences were negative until someone on Instagram told them they were negative. Feels more like a desire to belong to a group (those who have found a “better way” to pursue health) than a real lived trauma, but maybe I’m lacking empathy here. To me, this is where French’s point about it being a spiritual problem seems relevant and empathy feels like affirming a a warped reality. It’s difficult to wade through regardless, and I appreciate your perspective so much.

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If you've been around any length of time, you know I love the phrase "both and." =) I agree with you. It's not my experience with those against the vaccine up until this past year, but I do agree that there is a spiritual problem, and that means we need all kinds of the fruit of the Spirit to combat it =)

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Thank you for sharing. I agree with you regarding people who have actually experienced trauma around vaccinations or other forms of western medicine in some way. Those fears are legitimate and should be met with empathy and compassion. However, I think it would benefit us to note that not everyone who is opposed to the vaccine has these sort of deeply held beliefs. I had a passing conversation with my father over Christmas and he mentioned the vaccine. He said he wasn’t going to get it because “did you know that sometimes people get sick from them or have issues...” while I understand this to be true, I know his feelings were influenced not by a deep need to understand, but rather confirmation bias. He never thought COVID was a big deal and hated government control of mask wearing, etc. He was looking for an out. I am the oldest of four kids and all of us were vaccinated without question and without issue. Reading your work always helps me to slow down and think through what the other person is thinking or feeling in any given situation. To see the humanity and image of God in everyone. I see fear here, too. But it is coming from a place of anger and purposeful misunderstanding. From individuals who would rather believe a video from one rogue doctor about the pandemic because it confirmed what they already believed instead of objectively looking at the facts. I think this is mostly hard for me because I never thought my parents could be swayed by such things. They were always conservative but did not have time for nonsense because they were busy being about the work of Jesus. Now it breaks my heart to see what this current climate has done to my family.

I apologize for going on. Again, thank you for your thoughts and empathy and constant push to make me better.

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Agreed! I grew up around circles that were against vaccinations for the reasons I articulated above, but I think 2020 has cultivated a whole other kind of person against vaccines. We just haven't had to think about it so collectively before. We're all navigating a new season =)

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The more I grow, learn, and mature, the more I realize how truly important it is to understand and be aware of trauma in my own life AND the lives of others.

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You and me both =)

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