I have it and it smells like a book should!! So excited to set aside some time to read it

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Oh yay!

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"It is about befriending our pain, our grief, our story, even—and maybe especially—the stories we never asked for, didn’t want, and would never wish on anyone."

I have been a crummy launch team participant as *flail-gestures wildly at all the things* these past few weeks kinda took a whole wall out of my carefully laid card house of plans. But. I am here, and I am reading, and came to this post precisely to say thank you for this thought, this hope, which I need everywhere all the time, precisely for reasons like screw-ups in my commitments to others like this one (and also the one where I scheduled a contractor to come to my house for a quote on the same day I schlepped my whole family out of state for the eclipse--after leaving that company hanging too many times--after finally selecting a different contractor, so I should have cancelled the other meeting before I ever left home--yeah). And also for far less sitcom-esque reasons.

I'm grateful that the publishing launch arc is slow enough to accommodate spazz-brains like me, but also, moreso, for hearts that have room for me regardless. Like yours.

Thank you for writing the book, but also, even more, for being the book to us, Lore.

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So thankful for you, Stephanie. Enjoy the book. Take it as slow as you need =)

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May 22Liked by Lore Wilbert

This book is such a treasure. Thank you for writing it. 💖💖💖💖💖

I do have one hesitant question: the funeral embroidery you describe at the end of chapter 5….have you shared a picture of it anywhere? I’m a visual learner, so it’s hard to envision it with just words on a page, and chapter 5 is entirely me at this very moment, but at the start of the grief. But I think I might need to figure out some kind of funeral enactment—what I don’t know—and I read about yours and wishes I could see it because maybe it would feed the soil of an idea for when my own funeral moment arrives.

But also, no pressure. I realize that is a VERY personal thing and so I get why you wouldn’t mention it or share it publicly other than in the book.

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I don't have a photo of it unfortunately. But imagine something like this with colored threads entwined together on one side and brown threads on the other =) https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/stretched-rope-near-break-on-gray-1525702487?utm_campaign=image&utm_medium=googleimages&utm_source=schema

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Ooohhh…so all the strands were twisted together like a single rope on each side, and in the center the individual strand ends hung loose?

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May 21Liked by Lore Wilbert

I got my copy last week and am taking my time reading and processing. I NEVER mark up my books. Except this one I can’t help it. I dug out a highlighter and am letting the words sink in deep while the tears come easily because never before has someone said so well what the past 4 years have held/brought/wrought.

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Oh my! Virginia, thank you. I hold those words in my heart right now.

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Happy launch day! It’s such a pleasure to see the sprout of this work peek out through the soil after you worked on it in the dark for so long.

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Listening to Shouts of Joy by Harvest all day today, letting those seeds continue to sink and break open in me.

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Congratulations, Lore! The long-awaited day is here!! 🥳 I'm eager to get my copy and begin reading. I have a feeling it's exactly what my soul needs right now. Thank you so much for the work you put into the creation of this book. We are all very lucky to sit with your words. ❤️

PS. I also requested my library brings The Understory to its shelves!

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Thank you Erika! I hope it comes soon =)

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May 21Liked by Lore Wilbert

Happy Book Launch Day! It has been a while since I've been this stoked about a book. Thank you for writing it.

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Thank you, Nicole! YOu've been such an encouragement to me =)

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It's been a comfort to have words and metaphors for some common experiences. Lore, your words in chp 5 about compost needing air, water, and other microorganisms to break down completely, to become rich and nourishing to other organisms, have stuck with me. "And likewise with us. In order to heal, we need space to breathe, permission to weep, and the presence of a friend who will help us make sense of it all: air, water, and living things."

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Oh man, when I was writing that part and it came together with Diane's quote about healing, I think I was crying while I wrote it. So beautiful the way creation works!

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Happy book launch day, Lore! So happy it’s here at last! Amazon sent me an updated delivery date of May 25, so I’m glad I’m getting to read it on NetGalley. Despite my good intentions, progress has been slow because we’re preparing for a cross-country move in 4-1/2 weeks. We made the decision in mid-April. Things are kind of bonkers in our little spot of the world. Anyway, I hope your book gets the attention it deserves. I’ll do what I can to spread the word, sporadic as the effort may be.

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Thank you, Judy! I'm so sorry it's coming late. it seems to be coming late for so many folks =( I hope you are able to find time to soak in it . A cross country move is always a LOT of work, emotional and physical. I'm praying you land somewhere soft.

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Congrats, Lore!!! Can't wait to check it out.

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Thank you, Colby!

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I’m SO excited to read this! Can’t wait for it to arrive. A Curious Faith was like a balm to my soul and I suspect this one will meet me in places and ways unexpected but wonderful. 💚

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Thank you, Jessica. I hope it meets you too =)

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