Great Is The Dark.

You have our Love.

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I love you.

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I sit here today, New Year’s Eve, and feel your heaviness. May the Lord that we prepared for in Advent be real in restoring the hope, joy, peace and love that only He can give. Prayers for you and Nate

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Oh, I get this. Truly. The sadness. The fear. Grief upon grief. Will pray that you are able to rest and to feel God with you. Holding you. In it - all of it - *with* you. Sending love from rainy Northern California.

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Bless you and Nate….grace to you….may you rest in the midst of sadness and know peace, grace and love surround you both, even when unseen and unfelt and threatens to or is overwhelming and seemingly consuming. Praying for that…

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Thank you for these words. The beginning part of Up always gets me too. I am sad with you today.

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This is beautiful. Thank you for modeling vulnerability in the midst of your sadness🙏🏼❤️By the way, if you actually haven’t seen Up all the way through, it’s an incredibly hope-filled movie about how the story we thought was our story might not be, and how, if we’re open, we can still have an incredibly meaningful life... but it means letting go of bitterness and our rigid interpretation of how life has unfolded so far. Similar thematically to It’s a Wonderful Life. My husband and I rewatch it regularly! (Also to be clear I’m not at all saying you are bitter or rigid, just sharing about the plot of the film.)

Love and peace to you and thank you again for sharing in such an open way. Makes me reconsider my content for the next few weeks too honestly. December, man😮‍💨

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Just a simple thank you for trusting us with your sadness. I hope we all hold it and you close in our hearts and prayers.

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Thank you so much for being so vulnerable and open. I hope you find this space a safe one. Looking forward to reading more of your work and seeing more of YOU after your break. Take good care of yourself during this time. You are valued and treasured here.

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You've had SUCH a year with so many things not going the way they were supposed to. From a gentle observer, I saw you reroute many times. I saw you work hard preparing for trips that were cancelled. I saw you finish our program with joy but also not get much rest afterwards. I saw you take intentional steps to healing your body but healing hasn't happened. This was a hard year. I know there are all kinds of reasons you're sad and I guess I'm just trying to say it makes so much sense. There have been some years that I sobbed on NYE because I was so relieved the year was over, and yet it also felt like nothing was changing and the next year might be hard again. I'm lighting our candles tonight with you in mind. In hope. Thank you for sharing.

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Sending all the love your way, Lore. Thanks for this one, it matters.

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Thank you for your honesty and vulnerability, you speak for many with broken dreams & broken hearts❤️‍🩹 May you feel loved and comforted in knowing we all stand with you🙏

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Lore, so appreciate your heart, soul and all that you share. Glad you're going to take some time for rest and healing for yourself!

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Lore thank you so much for sharing this, praying for comfort and an easing of the sadness for both of you.

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Thank you for sharing this. I think it’s incredibly hard to lean into the sad feelings during a season when everything is “supposed” to be happy. Praying for you and hoping you have a peaceful mental retreat. 🤍

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I’m up before dawn today, I can’t sleep, and I’m going to light a candle here in my kitchen for you while I sit with my coffee and reflect on your words, your sadness, and the weight of it all. I pray your hearts find rest this season, and restoration for the coming days. I’m sorry, Lore. It’s too much isn’t it? Your heartbreak is held by Jesus--I believe that, and I beg His comfort surround you today. Kyrie Eleison.

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