No, I Will Not Show You My Metrics
Doing the work vs talking about how hard it is to do the work
There has been much hand-wringing and spilled milking around the halls of Substack recently. Some people are distraught about the announcement of partnership with
and others are distraught about what they see as gen-u-wine hobnobbing and hat-tipping to the powers that be. I’m as curious as the next person and probably (to my shame) even more curious, so I tap the links like every other good little writer on Substack and I read the posts and reconsider my use of Notes and wonder whether the model is sustainable and familiarize myself with the actual Bari Weiss and not just what all the people say about Bari Weiss. But at the end of the day, I’m still going to be here.Note to those who receive these missives as readers and not as fellow writers, this is going to be a Writer-to-Writer bit and if that doesn’t interest you, I don’t blame you at all. There are far more interesting and awful things happening in the world. Skip this. (Or, alternatively, share this piece with a writer you know: