
I just read this post from Substack from a few years ago on the algorithm, etc. Love the points they're making here. https://on.substack.com/p/why-we-have-a-leaderboard

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Hey Lore, appreciate your perspective on this and while I’ve only just been introduced to you I’m curious to read some more of your free articles to see if I want to subscribe. However US$30 is not what I’m being asked - your website is showing AUD$105 - exchange rate should be AUD$45 ?

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I have had a little experience over the years as a free lance writer. I was always thrilled with it. For me, it was very tiny local newspapers I wrote for. I had a deadline (helped with being consistent) I had a lot of leeway in what I would submit. I had an excellent editorial person who always seemed to make my writing shine. I am a (currently-since covid rules) a retired Canadian RN. The money I have received from freelance has always been small-still I am incredibly grateful for it. If I could I would financially support every single writer on Substack (I of course can not) I think Substack is a little like my psychiatric nursing experiences -one has to be willing to see success even if it seems minuscule. Thank you for receiving my comment!

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Lore Wilbert

Thank you for this. As someone who’s looking for ways to write meaningful words and put them out into the world, your thoughts on this matter are entirely helpful. I’m saving this article to reference when I begin to try and talk myself out of charging anything for my work/words.

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Lore Wilbert

I was scrolling through notes but then the screen went blank and refreshed and I can't find the note I was reading but it was from a writer who removed the paywall from 3 posts. I've seen other writers do that to. Then I wonder what the point of a paywall is.

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I love that you are getting paid at least a little bit for the work you do, and for less than a Starbucks a month, I'm more than happy to do it :) I spend my money on far less worthy things. Thanks for the work you do!

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Lore Wilbert

Thank you! 1I did notice that when I looked at your last post is show7s me as subscribed.

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I am glad for your thoughtful work here - and it's making me rethink my own position. Thank you, friend!

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Lore Wilbert

Can I still get half off? Just read the post. Thanks.

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I appreciate this post, Lore, and your writing. As a long (long) time reader and now paying subscriber, it’s a joy to get to support your work and know that that little offering is a kindness to you at the soul level. How often can we (people anywhere) give each other a gift like that? Anyway, happy to see this and happy to support you as long as I am able.

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Lore Wilbert

I agree with everything here about the worth of a paid substack, both for the writer and the reader. The principle of it all is valuable in itself.

Additionally, if I think to myself, “If Lore writes two books in the next year, I’ll more than likely buy them both,” then what is stopping me from paying the price of 1 or 2 books ($30 substack subscription) for an entire year of regular long form writing? And the fact that the subscription dollars go more directly to you than published book dollars? Just one way to view it!

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Sep 1, 2023Liked by Lore Wilbert

Your substack was actually recommended to me from another account. After reading and realizing I had to pay, I was like nah i’m not going to pay for that. I thought I had so many other options😆. But after months of getting the free content I realized I wanted to read what you were writing about. Your writing is so engaging and honest. Thanks for sharing with us!

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As a person of low income I was thrilled that I could say thank you by subscribing to your content for a year! $30 was doable for me at the time I joined.

I am also more motivated to read your posts when they come because I have “paid” for that content.

Personally I have appreciated your work. It speaks the truth I need to hear at the moment. And I want to say it by paying. I’m so glad to hear you have made the switch and it is giving you space to breathe and create more good work

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As soon as your started your payed subscription over here I clicked subscribe. It was a no brainer to give up a cup of coffee a month for the writing you do. I’ve been reading for several years now. I admire your defiance to the systems of algorithms and hustle culture that makes space (and models for the rest of us writers) the actual important work of writing, so amen and thank you 👏👏👏

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Sep 1, 2023Liked by Lore Wilbert

Price is fare when you spread it over an entire year. Another bonus is the fact that by your freeing yourself of social media, you are also freeing me of it in order to connect with you. I would much rather read concise writings than get sucked into,the rabbit hole of SM platforms who show me less and less of what I follow, and just bombard me with ads and junk.

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Sep 1, 2023Liked by Lore Wilbert

Lore, I love the discussion around hustle. I want all people everywhere to be free from hustle. It is one of my deepest desires as a follower of Christ to see the world freed in that way. I personally have no problem paying you for a yearly subscription (I think the subscriptions could be higher!) and it has helped me determine which voices do I really want in my life. I quickly realized which authors I want to read everything they write, and which authors I’m okay just reading the one free newsletter each week.

Thanks for this thoughtful post.

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