I love that you started on Xanga. I loved it. Did you know Jacob and Rachel Denhollander met on there? This is the first format I’ve found that allows long-form writing AND commenting like Xanga did.

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I didn't know they met there =) I'm sure so many folks of our age did though!

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Yes, I have felt the same about the interior life, and the question of how writing forms us! I'm teaching a class on writing as a response to life right now, and it is so beautiful to see the movement in the way people see the world through their own writing.

I am new to yours, and love it. Thank you.

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Thank you for this!! Love this!! I have just started writing and honestly, I find that it’s probably way more therapeutic for me, working through my own faith and what God is speaking to me, than it is for anyone one else!

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That is EXCELLENT. I believe writing can be primarily for our own spiritual formation and, for many folks, it should be! Keep doing it =)

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Love your writing, thank you for sharing your gifts and how much writing means to you. Very inspiring!

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Thank you =)

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If we could all work out our salvation openly, publicly, together - wouldn't that change 'the church' from the inside out? To be honest. To wrestle in the open with our oh so human issues. To be received and still loved. Wouldn't more people have 'oil in their lamps' on the day our groom returns? Wouldn't more people truly gather in the name of Jesus, and not self?

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I agree. Which is why I've tried to do it. It feels like a core value of mine.

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You are a consistently thoughtful writer who has wrestled with many of the same things as I have. I’m grateful to be a witness to your writing and your life. I thank you for your words and your work.

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Thank you, Joni. I thank you for being here.

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Thank you! I knew few writers who engage with the world so thoughtfully, authentically, and curiously, who are as comfortable saying “this is true” as “I was wrong,” who make it so safe and beautiful to be a messy work in progress, as you. I’m grateful for you sharing this space with us for all these years!

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Wow. Thank you. That means a lot. I want to be someone who practices saying, "I was wrong," often. I try to do it in my in-person relationships, but think it's important in these writer/reader relationships too.

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Wow, Xanga. What a throwback. I would kill to read your Xanga posts. I would die of embarrassment reading mine.

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I probably would too. Although I nearly died of embarrassment at the time I was writing them when friends found out about them...

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Love this—especially drawn to the comment about interior life blooming and reawakening. Started A Curious Faith just last week, and can safely say it will be finished in 3 sittings (then re-read again and again with time for notes, remarks, and highlights). To read words and thoughts that are in the quiet places of my soul has been so astonishing in a “I’m not alone” kind of way.

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Thank you. And no, you are not alone. I pray for your soul to find kinship in more places =)

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I love this with all my heart. I have been reading your words for years and years and been ever grateful for the effort and wrestling it takes to get them to us. So this is me just saying thank YOU. 💗💗💗

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Kris, Kris, Kris, what a gift you are. I'm so thankful for your presence in these spaces. You are so faithful.

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No person has formed the way I write and think of the past six or so years, so thank you too for continuing on this endeavor :)

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Thank you, Elijah. That means the world to me. Thank you.

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I cannot fathom the work you’ve been doing outside of this class (that has stretched me on its own), but also I am so excited that you are finding your place and work to do. I’ve been thinking through some of the same things with far less behind the scenes work. Thanks for this offering.

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Oh friend, we're all stretched in our different ways, yes? We are nearing the homestretch though!

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Oh, I'm so interested in that class you mentioned. Where are you teaching it?

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