How is it that your writing always manages to move me so? I’m grateful for your desire to say what matters, even when it is hard and deeply personal. This new venture is a brave move—cheering you on as a subscriber. Peace!

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Echoing all the other comments, you manage to put into words, the unspoken thoughts and musings of my heart. I appreciate your ability to put these things into words so eloquently. They have helped me to process so many things. I am very happy to be able to help support your writing. Thank you!

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What a joy to support your beautiful words, Lore. You are a treasure, and I deeply appreciate the honest reflection you invite us to.

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Your words touch in ways that I don't truly understand. I'm happy to support you on your new path.

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So glad you have created space to allow us (me) to join you. You are of great value and your voice is one we need to hear unfiltered because your heart is humble and teachable. So happy to support this endeavor.

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Thank you. I’ve realised I’ve been hibernating in so many different ways, choosing when to venture out and when to tuck myself back into safety. I want to take some brave steps with you. Thank you for offering this opportunity.

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Looking forward to reaping the benefits of your newfound freedom in writing, Lore! Thank you!

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Thank you for allowing us to walk with you on this journey. I so appreciate your heart and the words you share that are found there.

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Delighted to support you and your writing because both are worthy of the investment. Looking forward to hard questions and self-examination and maybe a little unfreezing for myself along the way too. Thank you.

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I'm so glad I finally have a chance to support you and your writing more directly!

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Beautiful transition and grateful for a way to support your work on the regular.

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Thrilled to be in this space with you. Thank you for this opportunity to further support the work that God is doing in you and, by his grace, through you in us!

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In the last year I have "known" you, Lore, I have seen this beautiful growth and expansion into the more whole and healthy you--I'm sure it was already there but how very brave to let that transcend into your online presence, work and ministry. You have deeply ministered to me this year. My breaking year. I am so grateful and it is an easy "yes" to show up in this space with you. Thank you!!

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