“Here is the sayable. Here is its homeland.” I read these words by the poet Rilke when I was in college and the words plumbed down in me, sinking to the bottom of who I am. “Perhaps we are here,” he went on, “just to say.” This is why I am here, I thought.
If you feel like you go through life unable to say what churns within you aloud, feel alone because you can’t find anyone saying the words you need to hear said to you, or can’t find the words you need to make sense of your life, faith, theology, politics, and more, I hope you’ll find Sayable a safe and peaceful place to land.
Sayable has always been in the work of making what is unsaid said, the unsayable sayable. For more than twenty years I’ve been at this work and I’ll spend the rest of my life unresting words from the stagnant spaces of our lives.
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About me
My name is Lore Ferguson Wilbert. It is pronounced Lor-ee.
I began blogging in 2000, when blog wasn’t a word and we still thought you could keep things private on the internet. Though the nature of this site has changed with time, it has always been about the sayable. I am a Christian for whom doubt has been a near constant thread.
I have written three books, the award winning Handle With Care, as well as A Curious Faith and The Understory. I have a Masters in Theology, Spiritual Formation and Leadership from Friends University and a Bachelors in English from Lee University. My work has been published in many national publications as well as in several anthologies.
After living in five different states together, my husband and I now live in southeastern Pennsylvania with our two pups, Harper and Rilke. When I’m not writing, I like to kayak, be in the forest, make art with paper, and garden.
Kind things people have said about my work
“Part Wendell Berry, part Eugene Peterson, and part Madeleine L’Engle. The result is sheer magic. Wilbert writes with a kind of desperate longing—hungry, thirsty, and violently pursuing the truth of God in our stories. And the result is glorious.” — A. J. Swobda, author of After Doubt
“Powerful, poised, poetic. Lore Ferguson Wilbert preaches like a prophet and writes like a friend." — Rachel Marie Kang, author of The Matter of Little Losses
"Rare and beautiful." — Aundi Kolber, author of Try Softer
“Both timeless and timely, this book is one I didn’t know I was waiting for . . . She tells the truth and tells it beautifully well in this, her best and most compelling work yet.” — Emily P. Freeman, author of How to Walk into a Room
"Concerned with the radical act of being."— Drew Jackson, author of God Speaks through Wombs
“Remarkably acute and resonant.”— Bill McKibben, author of The End of Nature
“Raw honesty devoid of cynicism.” — Amanda Held Opelt, author of A Hole in the World
“Fresh, singular voice that is as muscular and grounded as it is exquisite. A rare authentic wonder in the world of words.” — Ann Voskamp, NYT Bestselling author
“Her words are a salve to those of us who wonder, who wait.” — Jen Pollock Michel, author of Teach Us to Want
“Innately curious, unafraid of hard questions.” —Seth Haines, author of Coming Clean
If you need my author bio: Lore Ferguson Wilbert is an award winning writer, thinker, learner, and author of the books, The Understory, A Curious Faithand Handle With Care. She has written for Mockingbird Journal, The Christian Century, Plough Magazine, Christianity Today, and more, as well as her own site, lorewilbert.com. She has a Masters in Spiritual Formation and Leadership and loves to think and write about the intersection of human formation and the gritty stuff of earth. You can find Lore on Instagram @lorewilbert. She lives with her husband Nate and their pups, Harper and Rilke, in southeastern Pennsylvania. She really has read most of the books on her shelves.
(Lore is pronounced with a long e.)